District Grants
The District Rotary Foundation Chair, Geetha Jayaram, and District Governor-elect, Nomie Hamid, are pleased to announce an extension for applications for District Designated Funds (DDF) for District projects. Applications will be accepted via DACdb. The extension will enable further submission of quality applications to be competitively awarded to Rotary Clubs.
- Grants applications submission are only acceptable electronically via DACdb Grants Module
- The Club President and Club Foundation Chair (during the year the grant is approved) (or a designated appointee, who will be involved with the management of the grant) must attend grant management and qualification training arranged by the district and maintain a trained member for the term of the grant.
- For a Grant Applicant to be eligible to receive DDF funding, the TRF’s “Club Recognition Summary” report must reflect by June 30, 2023 the below accomplishments:
– $100 per capita minimum of club membership total giving to the Annual Fund.
– 70% of club members contribute $25 to the Annual Fund.
– 50% of club members are a Paul Harris Fellow. - $5,000 maximum DDF Match per eligible club for single grant, or the total of multiple District 7620 Rotary Club requests must NOT exceed 15% of the total District DDF money available for each Rotary fiscal year, unless approved in advance by the District Rotary Foundation Chair (DRFC). Further, TRF policies state that the DRFC may not approve amounts to exceed 20% of total DDF available for each Rotary fiscal year.
- Each Grant Applicant may only have two District grants ongoing at any one time and cannot be delinquent in reporting on any TRF funded grant.
- Newly chartered Clubs are exempt from grant eligibility requirements for one full rotary year for a small capacity building grant.
- Club with approved grants will receive 50% of their grant money upon review and approval of the project; the remaining 50% will be paid upon the completion of all report requirements of the project.
Grant Files and References
The following Global Grants are seeking support and funding. Please contact the district Global Grant team if you are interested.
District Rotary Foundation Committee
Geetha Jayaram Howard West District Rotary Foundation Chair Contact |
Barbara Jean Chamberlain-Skinner Parole (Annapolis) District Grants Chair Contact |
Brian Blum Washington DC District Paul Harris Society Chair Contact |
Jennifer Hara Washington DC District Global Scholarship Chair Contact |
Scott Patano New Market TRF Fundraising Chair Contact |
Billy D. Louis Prince Georges County AG & District PolioPlus Chair Contact |
For any technical questions regarding Grants Module, please contact: admin@www.rotary7620.org
DACdb Support
Email: support@dacdb.com
Tel #: 720-504-7300
How to Access Grant Module
- Login to DACdb
- Select My Club (at the top bar)
- Click icon Club Grants
- Select Grants Navigation (on the left)
- Select Admin
- Click Club Signature (please add at least one signature)
- Go to Club Grant View (on the left under Grant Navigation)
- Finally, go to New Club Grant Request – Click Here to Create Grant