The Robert and Joanne Hanson Directed Gift for Global Grants is to help underwrite high impact, sustainable projects in Basic Education and Literacy. These funds are designated under account #T10624 in the online Global Grant application. Robert “Bob” Hanson served as governor of (then) Rotary District 762 in 1982- 83, and several members of his family are Rotarians today. Bob passed away on August 16th, 2019, at the age of 95, with JoAnne having passed away a few years prior. The gift is managed by Harvey Newcomb, Director for Principal Gifts at the offices of Rotary International. Five percent of the original gift amount is being used by The Rotary Foundation to support the administration of the grants.
Please note some of the conditions of the grant based on the Hanson Family Foundation’s stipulations for this gift to District 7620:
- A preference is to using these funds to support Global Grants that address the Area of Focus Basic Education and Literacy.
- A Rotary club located in District 7620 – or the district itself – needs to serve as the international sponsor or host sponsor of any Global Grant application that is to be underwritten in full or in part by this gift.
- Global Grants are for projects with a total budget of US$30,000 or more, and funds from the PDG Robert and JoAnne Hanson Directed Gift can only be used in increments of US$15,000 and above. Any funds that are not used during this Rotary year will be carried over for use the next year by the District.
- Clubs must use the MyRotary website to log in and complete the application online as directed under the Global Grants section.
- Training under the MOU requirements for the District, as set by Dr. Geetha Jayaram, District Rotary Foundation Chair is essential for clubs to be eligible to apply for the Hanson Grant.
- No club can apply for more than one grant during each year to be fair to other clubs in the District. However, joining hands to expand your reach is encouraged.
- Please pay attention to the needs assessment and sustainability sections of the grant for success.
- We are open to innovative ideas that emphasize reach and impact.
For questions, contact Geetha Jayaram DRFC and PDG at