Our Governors

District Governor 2024-25

Naumaan “Nomie” Hamid

Naumaan “Nomie” Hamid

Naumaan Shaheen Hamid, also known as Nomie, is a passionate entrepreneur, philanthropist, and community leader who has dedicated his life to service and making a difference in people’s lives. A 2008 graduate of Johnson & Wales University, Nomie has always understood the importance of giving back to the community, a value that has driven him throughout his personal and professional journey.

At the young age of 24, Nomie launched his first restaurant, Krazi Kebob, in 2010 near the University of Maryland College Park. His entrepreneurial spirit and commitment to service led to the expansion of his culinary ventures, which now include Krazi Burrito, The Kabob Joint, Krazi Chick, Catering by Nomie, and Virtual X Kitchen. The latter, a visionary concept hosting multiple restaurant brands under one roof, was a finalist for the Amazon Business Small Business Grant.

Nomie’s leadership in the community extends far beyond his business endeavors. He has been an active member of Rotary International, serving as President of the College Park Rotary Club from 2019-2020, Area Governor for District 7620 2021-2023, and currently serving as Rotary District 7620 Governor. His exceptional leadership and service earned him the 2023 Rotarian of the Year Award, exemplifying Rotary’s motto “Service Above Self.” Throughout his time in Rotary, Nomie has focused on youth education and mentorship, co-chairing the Rotary Youth Leadership Awards, a program that brings high school students together to learn about peace and leadership. As an emerging leader selected twice by District Governors, he has also worked to promote diversity, equity, and inclusion, within the community and Rotary.

Collaborating with the University of Maryland Office of Community Engagement Nomie and his company sponsored the first ever public Iftar event to celebrate Ramadan in the city of College Park. Nomie says “It is important to educate others in order to minimize ignorance and hate throughout the world”. Nomie’s dedication to his community is further evidenced by his extensive collaboration with local organizations. He has partnered with the City of College Park, University of Maryland, local police departments, CKAR, Rotary, Humanity First, Disaster Aid USA, and many others to make a difference locally and globally. As a result of his tireless efforts, he has received the ‘Making a Difference’ award from the University of Maryland Office of Community Engagement twice—once on behalf of his business and once during his tenure as Rotary Club President.

In response to the Covid-19 pandemic, Nomie launched a relief hotline to assist the elderly with groceries and medication deliveries, growing a team of over 150 volunteers to support this initiative, they were able to support over 1000 phone calls and help over 400 people. He also partnered with CKAR to provide relief to those affected by the pandemic, by providing discounted food to different areas in the community where it would be distributed. Nomie’s commitment to service reaches various aspects of community life. He sat on the board of Concerns of Police Survivors (C.O.P.S.), & serves as Board Vice President for his condo association, leading efforts to make the building more environmentally friendly and safe for residents, sat on the Board for Rotary Club of College Park, was the Area Governor for Rotary District 7620, RYLA Co-Chair, Rotary NYC Fellowship Chair.

Throughout his career, Nomie has had the honor of hosting and catering for multiple dignitaries, heads of state, local political leaders, and the worldwide leader of the Ahmadiyya Muslim Community, Hazrat Mirza Masroor Ahmad. As a guest panelist on SMB TV with the CEOs of PYMNTS and 7Shifts, Nomie shared his insights on staffing in the hospitality industry. Nomie has been asked to come and speak on various topics through his Professional and Service career. Nomie’s unwavering determination to develop more leaders in the community and among the youth is a testament to his dedication to service and giving back. With an impressive track record of community service, leadership, and entrepreneurship, Nomie Hamid is a true inspiration and a role model for others to follow. Nomie received the most influential Marylander award in 2023 nominated by University of Maryland, recognized by The Daily Record.


RI Theme 2024-25 The Magic of Rotary

Mandy Warfield Granger District Governor Elect (DG 2025-2026)

Mandy Granger is a seasoned marketing professional and currently runs a marketing consulting agency focused on increasing profits for professional services firms, including accountants and lawyers. She is an active volunteer for City Dogs Rescue and a board member for Friendship Place, a nonprofit providing services to those experiencing homelessness in the Washington DC region, and Historic Dupont Circle Main Streets, a volunteer-driven, commercial revitalization organization that serves to educate businesses about government relations, business issues, and historic preservation.

Mandy joined the Rotary Club of Dupont Circle in 2014, driven by a dual passion for community service and building a sense of community in a busy city. Her Rotary journey is marked by numerous leadership roles, including Club President; Assistant Governor for the Washington, DC, clubs; Rotary Leadership Institute (RLI) courses and teacher certification; participation in the Rotary Southland Young Professionals Summit in 2016; and Emerging Leader participation at the Zone 33-34 Atlanta Zone Summit 2019.

She is a proud member of the Paul Harris Society and a Major Donor to the Rotary Foundation.
Mandy’s Rotary journey reflects her ongoing commitment to service, leadership, and community

Dawn Wittfelt District Governor Nominee (DG 2026-2027)

Dawn Wittfelt will begin her journey to serve as our 2026-2027 District Governor. Dawn first joined Rotary as a member of the Rotary Club of Sykesville-South Carroll in 2007, and later served as their 2012-2013 and 2015-2016 Club President. She has also served at the District level since 2014 and has had the honor of serving under nine District Governors.